Monday, April 30, 2007

Media Conference Rescheduled

Last week, Rev. Glen Allison, a very active and respected member of the faith community, died, and his funeral is scheduled for the same time as we had planned to have our media conference and workshop. At least two of the scheduled speakers will be attending his funeral.

Because we did not want to detract in any way from Rev. Glenn Allison’s memorial on May 5th, the Interreligious Council has rescheduled the Media Conference to Saturday, June 9th. The Media Conference will still be held at the Baha’i Center.

Please let me know - as soon as possible - if you can join us on Saturday, June 9th ( If you have registered but cannot come on this new date, please let me know so that I can return your check.

Thank you for being so patient with these changes – Rev. Allison’s death and memorial services simply could not be anticipated. We sincerely hope your schedule will allow you to attend on the 9th of June.

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